Wise Bluebrown :What is the reason for the melancholy in your eyes?
Smart Green :Oh, Wise Bluebrown, hope you can help me.. I am deeply in love with Preity White. But am afraid she will reject me. She is as fair as snow and has a house of her own. I live in a tree branch
Wise Bluebrown :Did you ever ask her? How could you assume? It is better to knock at the door than to assume that it will not open. Her heart and house might accommodate another person..
Smart Green flies to Preity's house and knocks on the roof...
Preity White: uh, Who is it?
Smart Green : It's me. Smart..
Preity White: Good to see you Smart.. How are you? what is up
Smart Green : ummm...ummm..Preity, I have come here to pour my heart out...I am so madly in love with you...Will you marry me?
Preity White : Oh, Smart!! I thought you would never ask!!!